Mango - fresh and creative
For us, Mango is a young and creative team that has been working together for several years and has produced many successful projects together. Our team not only creates but also takes an active part in the realisation of your ideas.
Our activities include: brand building (logos, logotypes, rebrandings, print and web graphics), media material (video, photos, reels, etc.), creative copywriting, social media platform editing and maintenance, website creation and maintenance, print materials design and printing.
Over the years we have worked with partners such as: Draexlmaier, Autonet Import, Satu Mare Mayor’s Office, GMZ Cultural Centre – Satu Mare, BMW, Ford, Mamut Invest, EDENs Pub, Automesiter, Partium Football Academy, TEDx Satu Mare, Cardify, Rose Hip Hill, Satu Mare County Council, Malta Charity Service, M-Sys, Edmeea Trans.
Our mission!
To provide the best online presence for our customers. We don’t just create it, we organically take part in making your ideas come true!
A Mango – fresh and creative – egy kreatív médiaügynökség. Fiatal és dinamikus csapatunk már több éve dolgozik együtt, számos sikeres projektet tudhat magáénak.
A legjobb online jelenlétet biztosítása ügyfeleink számára. Mi nem csak elkészítjük, hanem szervesen kivesszük a részünk az ötleteid megvalósításában!
A márkaépítés, digitális marketing és design területén tapasztalt csapatunk tevékenységei elősegíti vállalkozásod céljainak elérését és növekedését.
Az évek során olyan partnerekkel dolgoztunk eddig együtt mint: Draexlmaier, Autonet Import, Szatmárnémeti Polgármesteri Hivatal, GMZ Kulturális Központ – Szatmárnémeti, BMW, Ford, Mamut Invest, E’DEN Pub, Automeister, Partiumi
Fociakadémia, TEDx Satu Mare, Cardify, Rose Hip Hill, Szatmár Megyei Tanács, Máltai Szeretetszolgálat, M-Sys, Edmeea Trans.
Mango – proaspătă și creativă – este o agenție media creativă. Echipa noastră tânără și dinamică lucrează împreună de mai mulți ani și are un palmares de proiecte de succes.
Misiunea noastră:
Să asigurăm cea mai bună prezență online pentru clienții noștri. Noi nu doar creăm, ci participăm organic la realizarea ideilor dumneavoastră!
Echipa noastră cu experiență în branding, marketing digital și design vă va ajuta afacerea să își atingă obiectivele și să se dezvolte.
De-a lungul anilor am colaborat cu parteneri precum: Draexlmaier, Autonet Import, Primăria Satu Mare, Centrul Cultural GMZ – Satu Mare, BMW, Ford, Mamut Invest, E’DEN Pub, Automeister, Partium.
Soccer Academy, TEDx Satu Mare, Cardify, Rose Hip Hill, Consiliul Județean Satu Mare, Maltese Charity Service, M-Sys, Edmeea Trans.
Mango – fresh and creative – is a creative media agency. Our young and dynamic team has been working together for several years and has a track record of successful projects.
Our mission:
To provide the best online presence for our clients. We don’t just create, we organically take part in the realization of your ideas!
Our experienced team in branding, digital marketing and design will help your business achieve its goals and grow.
Over the years we have worked with partners such as: Draexlmaier, Autonet Import, Satu Mare Mayor’s Office, GMZ Cultural Centre – Satu Mare, BMW, Ford, Mamut Invest, E’DEN Pub, Automeister, Partium
Soccer Academy, TEDx Satu Mare, Cardify, Rose Hip Hill, Satu Mare County Council, Maltese Charity Service, M-Sys, Edmeea Trans.